The InsideGuide

Interview with Roger Fielding, a leader of exercise and aging research, from Tufts University

Written by Perrin Braun | Sep 11, 2013


Dr. Roger Fielding has dedicated his career to learning about the ways that we can best maintain quality of life as we age. He is a renowned scientist known for his research on muscle loss, functional decline in the elderly, and the effects of behavioral interventions on muscle power, and his expertise on health and longevity make him an integral part of the InsideTracker team.


In his current position as Senior Scientist and Director of the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology and Sarcopenia Laboratory, Dr. Fielding and his team of researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University are studying the mechanisms that contribute to age-related decline in skeletal muscle mass. His ultimate goal is to develop exercise and physical activity interventions that allow people to live healthier and more productive lives—an objective that is right in line with InsideTracker’s!

Dr. Fielding’s career began at Boston University, where he studied exercise science and applied physiology as an undergraduate. After receiving his master’s in exercise physiology, he returned to Boston to complete his Ph.D in Nutrition at Tufts University, where he now directs the school’s Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, and Sarcopenia Laboratory. Dr. Fielding’s research focuses on how sarcopenia, commonly referred to as “muscle wasting”, contributes to a loss of physical functioning and subsequent independence that occurs with aging. His team is attempting to develop some interventions to improve and restore muscle function, which should then reduce disability and the capacity for physical activity.

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Dr. Gil Blander, InsideTracker founder, reached out to Dr. Fielding because he had heard of his expertise in health and aging. Consequently, he proposed that Dr. Fielding become a member of Segterra’s InsideTracker scientific advisory board, where he currently works with a team of scientists to make recommendations about nutrition and physical activity guidelines.

After studying exercise, nutrition, and aging for several decades, Dr. Fielding realized that increasing health education and becoming an advocate for your own health play important roles in preventing functional decline.

“There’s lot of information and misinformation about nutrition and health that’s out there,” he said. “Simply telling people that they need to change their diet or exercise doesn’t work—we know that that’s not enough.” In his quest to find solutions to age-related muscle loss and functional decline, Dr. Fielding decided to work with InsideTracker because it enables anyone to receive scientifically proven data that reveals tremendous amounts of information about his or her health status. Not only does InsideTracker provide customers with valuable knowledge about what exactly is going on inside of their body, but it also provides tangible recommendations on how to fix any issues that might be hindering optimal health. 

Dr. Fielding says that InsideTracker is important because the diet and exercise recommendations that it offers can vastly improve quality of life. “From the studies we’ve done with aging, we know that both nutrition and exercise can have a profound effect on the quality of life and how successfully you age. It’s not the number of years you live, but the number of quality years that’s important”, he explained. We look forward to more exciting news from Dr. Fielding!


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