6 Ways InsideTracker Keeps You on Track Toward Your Goals

By Michelle Darian, MS, MPH, RD, July 11, 2024

Recommendations for health goals

Improving your health requires motivation to start, consistency to follow through, and accountability to stay on track. And that accountability piece is key to making health changes sustainable. That's why when you become an InsideTracker customer, you also get an accountability partner. InsideTracker's mobile app and community are designed to support you in achieving your health goals. 

Technology like fitness trackers, health apps with reminders and prompts, and social media groups can support you along your health journey. With the right mindset and tools to help, your health objectives become more attainable. 

Here are six ways that InsideTracker's platform helps keep you on track toward your goals.  

Blood DNA Fitness tracking ebook

1. Turn your "AHA moment" into your "Why"

When you know your “why”, you’re more likely to make targeted decisions in pursuit of your goals. You’ve likely come to InsideTracker for a reason; maybe it’s to increase the number of healthy years you spend with your kids or to lower your risk of heart disease that may run in your family. Whatever your “why” is, use it as motivation to get started and stay on track. 

Getting your set of InsideTracker results often serves as an “AHA moment.” Nearly 90% of InsideTracker customers find out that they have at least five suboptimal biomarkers on their first test—and this tends to come as a surprise, especially for the health-conscious. 

So, take stock of your results. What surprised you? What validated what you were doing? What prompted you to make a change? How does this connect to your reason for joining InsideTracker?

2. Learn exactly how to improve your health

Recommendations for health goals

To meet your health goals, you need a roadmap. You need to know what to do, when to do it, and how much to do. InsideTracker’s recommendations provide just that, eliminating the guesswork from determining how to optimize your health. 

Recommendations are based on your specific results—across blood biomarkers, DNA, sleep data,  fitness tracker data, and your current habits—spanning categories like nutrition, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle. They're aimed at improving the areas of your health that are suboptimal. These suggested actions are straightforward, actionable, and most importantly, measurable. By following the recommendations curated for you, it's possible to make faster and more efficient progress toward your health goals.

Impact scores and Action Plan screen

3. Uncover which recommendations yield the greatest impact for you

When you receive your InsideTracker Action Plan, you'll see a list of recommended actions to incorporate into your routine. Depending on the goal you select, your demographics, and your suboptimal markers, that list could be quite long! For some, it can be overwhelming to determine where to start. 

InsideTracker sorts all of the recommendations you receive in order of greatest impact for you. This means the actions with the highest impact score can improve the most suboptimal biomarkers and have the strongest scientific evidence supporting their efficacy.

So, if you have limited time or resources to dedicate to your health routine, the impact score associated with each recommendation allows you to understand which habits will be most effective for you and your body. This can set you up for success from the beginning to meet your health goals.

InsideTracker live demo banner

4. Set reminders to complete your recommendations

Set reminders product screen

Let’s face it, life is busy. Though we have the best intentions, it’s easy to forget to take your vitamin D or magnesium supplement, especially when you’re trying to incorporate a new health habit into your routine. What’s more, different habits may need to occur at different times of day, and without a schedule, actually following through can be challenging. 

To make staying on top of your recommended actions easier, InsideTracker’s app allows you to schedule reminders. You can set notifications for each recommendation on the days you’d like a reminder and at the time that makes the most sense for you. 

For example, magnesium supplements are best taken within an hour of bedtime. And Vitamin D supplements are best absorbed when taken with a fat-containing meal. If you typically eat an egg breakfast, schedule your vitamin D supplement reminder for 9am (or when you usually eat breakfast). Or maybe you'd like to commit certain days to increasing your cardio intensity—whatever the case, setting reminders can make building new habits into your routine that much easier.

5. Get alerted when it's time to retest

When you adjust your health routine, it’s important to understand how these new-found lifestyle habits impact your body. The best way to understand if your habits work for your unique body’s needs is to quantify them through objective health measures, like blood biomarkers, sleep, and fitness tracker data. But unless you mark down a blood test date in your calendar or are experiencing specific symptoms, you may not remember to retest your biomarkers. 

The InsideTracker mobile app and the web-based dashboard have simple features that remind you when it’s time to retest. 

  • Three months post blood draw: When you enter the app after your three-month Action Plan, you’ll be prompted to update or continue your current plan. You may consider getting another test to refine your Action Plan from there. 
  • Six months post blood draw: After six months, you’ll see a flag that your results are six months old. At this point, it’s time to retest so that you can check-in on your progress.

Like the rest of us, you likely have a packed calendar. The mobile app and the web dashboard will remind you when it’s time to retest and recalibrate.


6. Join the InsideTracker Insiders Facebook group

The InsideTracker Insiders Facebook Group is a supportive community bound by the common goal of achieving optimal health and wellness. The group provides a safe, judgment-free environment that allows members to share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate successes along their health journeys. 

This collaborative space also provides valuable resources to its members. Here, you will find exclusive content, digital guides to maximize your InsideTracker experience, offers, feedback opportunities, customer-exclusive webinars, and access to the InsideTracker team.

We welcome you to join the Insiders group as we believe, "If you want to go far, go together.” The collective strength and encouragement within the Insiders community helps members leverage social support to stay on track toward their immediate and long-term health goals.




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