Why Giving Blood Can Be Good For you

By Ross Yellin, Esq., January 21, 2016


Did you know that every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood? In the time it took you to read these two sentences, at least two people have received a blood transfusion.

The numbers are staggering, and the need for blood donation is not only constant, but it’s also critical.

Since blood is at the core of our business, and January is National Blood Donor Month, we thought you might like to know how blood donation affects your biomarkers.

InsideTracker's Operations Manager, Ryan Cohen, was curious to find out too. Bonus: he works for an awesome company that specializes in blood analysis. A few needles later, Ryan tells his story of how he manages high Iron levels by giving blood. Turns out the benefits of blood donation may be far greater than that warm, fuzzy, do-gooder feeling you get. Hit the button below to find out what happened to his biomarkers, and what could happen to yours.

Read Ryan's Blood Donation Story!

And since we know needles don’t bother you, go do some good by giving. It’s free, quick, easy, and there’s sure to be a location near you.

Wondering what ALL of your biomarkers mean? We've created this handy biomarker guide for reference—it's FREE & it's yours to download!

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