Alright, time to get real: we hear you. We’ve been told more than once that the price tags of our top-tier tests give would-be-InsideTracker-users pause before purchase. So, instead of turning a blind eye (or a deaf ear? You get the point), we’re leaning in and breaking down how you can become an InsideTracker pro without spending cash like one.
Enter: Our Blood Results Upload Plan
The Blood Results Upload plan allows you to upload blood test results that you got from a provider other than InsideTracker (e.g. your doctor, employer, insurance company, etc.). This plan has space for you to provide data for all of the markers InsideTracker tests.
This plan makes a great addition to your healthcare regimen. Making a smaller investment in one of these tests could help prevent you from spending more healthcare dollars down the line. Want to know if this is right for you? Here are four reasons that the Blood Results Upload Plan would fit right into your life.
It's great if you've gotten a blood test from your doctor
The Blood Results Upload Plan gives you access to the InsideTracker platform without charging you for the cost of a blood draw. So, then, where does your data come from? Well, if you’ve ever gotten bloodwork done by your doctor, health insurance company, employer, or the like, you already have it! Right now, that’s probably in the form of a table or chart with a couple columns of numbers: your results and a reference range for each. That’s all you need! InsideTracker can transform that boring black and white paper into a multi-dimensional story about your health.
All you have to do is upload an image or PDF of your results. They then get scanned by an InsideTracker team member and uploaded to your account. From there, your experience from there would be quintessential InsideTracker—personalized recommendations, a weekly action plan, and a retest schedule.
Have you been getting your bloodwork done for years? You can retroactively add old results to your InsideTracker account and observe the molecular trends and changes that have led you to where you are today. The Blood Results Upload plan gives you access to the InsideTracker platform for 12 months, but you can upload results from as many tests as you want during that period. Once it expires, just renew!
They're perfect for holding you over between Ultimate tests
Hypothetical situation: You purchased and used an Ultimate, our most comprehensive test, a few months ago. You’ve been adhering to your recommendations and are feeling some changes. You want to quantify them with a selfie from the inside, but don’t think you need the full 48-biomarker-spread quite yet. This is another great opportunity to upload results from your doctor with the Blood Results Upload plan!
Think of it as a signpost on your wellness journey: you stopped and got directions a while ago with your last Ultimate, and you’ll probably do the same eventually, but for now, you just need the thumbs up that you’re traveling in the right direction. Bonus: you’ll save some money in the process.
This test provides a basic understanding of your current health state
Once we get to a certain age, it becomes essential to bring health and wellness to the forefront of our mind— and lives. But it can be hard to know how and where exactly that starts. Do you need to focus on reducing your blood sugar? Is your familial high cholesterol starting to express itself? How is your diet stacking up? Your blood can answer these questions, and InsideTracker can tell you what to do with those answers.No matter which biomarkers you have data or get tested for, InsideTracker will give you personalized recommendations to get your health journey started.
This is a perfect way to test drive InsideTracker!
If you’ve had your eye on InsideTracker but have been hesitant to spring for an Ultimate, this InsideTracker Plan can be a great way to get the full experience without digging into your pockets. Blood Results Upload has the capacity to give you as much info as an Ultimate would, providing opportunity to test drive InsideTracker before taking the lead to Ultimate!
Learn how your biomarkers affect your body in this FREE e-Book download! 
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